Work ! I get to work !!!
Finally, I got a job. I can now spend time in an office - liberation dudes ! , this is liberation. From more than two months of self imposed mental and physical inactivity.
Well on a calmer note , I must now labor to earn bread . Its not all that liberating. The work i have to do is nothing big or exciting - well its definitely not like being part of a project that plodded on , surprising its creator at every turn and inspiring confidence in the team. But this is stability . You draw from a pool of knowledge that already has everything that will ever be needed. Innovations have been made. The technology on which the implementation rests is proven. It might be monotonous , i can take that. But i have a feeling that it is not going to kill me. I am no longer walking on the edge.
I now have time to think about stuff. Stuff= books, chicks,flicks,PS3 /XBOX 360 games i can;t play (coz i don't have a PS3/XBOX 360 , silly ) , trips to places, programs that i have to write , images that i have to capture, pr0n , WTH ! almost everything under the sun.
Its nearly time to make new year resolutions . Bu hu ha ha ha ! Here comes the list
- Swim/Jog/Cycle at least on alternate days.
- Make a reading list
- Read the books from the reading list
- Write.
- Stop getting mad at people
- Learn a language ( well i already know three , but i want more )
- Start strumming the guitar regularly .
- Write that Picasa clone - start work on it on the double.
- Stick to Slackware ( I have to include at least one certain item in the list otherwise frustration will ensue )
- Stop making stupid long to do lists that I won't ever stick to.
interesting :)..
And congrats for ur job.. Welcome to the club.
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