Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Installing Malayalam on Mandriva Spring 2008 GNU/Linux

I tried installing Malayalam on Mandriva Spring 2008. It turned out to be easy.

Step 1 : Install Mandriva ;)

Step 2 : Log in and update your system from Menu->Tools->System Tools->Configure your Computer

Step 3 : From from Menu->Tools->System Tools->Configure your Computer choose 'install & Remove Software '

Step 4 : There are two drop down lists on the top left , choose 'All' in both .

Step 5: search for scim-tables-ml and select it

Step 6: Accept the dependencies. It will also ask you to choose from scim-, scim-bridge, and skim.I chose SKIM.

Step 7 : Click on Apply .

Step 8 : After software finishes installation, search for scim-qtimm Or scim-gtk and select it

Step 9 : Accept the dependencies , click on apply and wait for software install to complete.

Step 10 : Download and install latest Meera and Rachana from http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/smc/fonts/malayalam-fonts-04/ . Installing involves right clicking on the file and choosing actions->install

Step 11: open a console . become root user by typing 'su' (without quotes ) , and then typing in your admin password when prompted.

Step 12 : Run the following commands one by one

echo 'GTK_IM_MODULE=scim' >> /etc/sysconfig/i18n
echo 'XIM_PROGRAM="scim -d"' >> /etc/sysconfig/i18n
echo 'QT_IM_MODULE=scim' >> /etc/sysconfig/i18n
echo 'XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM' >> /etc/sysconfig/i18n

Step 13: Reboot your system

Step 14: Log in . There should be a keyboard icon on the taskbar . You can click on it and choose your input method

Step 15: Send mails to friends and tell them that GNU is awesome.

Hitch number 1 : Firefox rendering is shit. libpango is v1.20 . How do i fix this ?
Hitch number 2 : Open office doesnt have ml language pack. :(